On Hold
Putting people "on
hold" is an unfortunate
but unavoidable part
of business communications
because it's impossible
to help everyone immediately.
An estimated 70%
of business callers
are put on hold, and
60% of them hang up
and 30% don't call
back. If your callers
hear nothing while
on hold, they may
think they've been
disconnected. Most
callers who hear nothing
on hold will hang
up within 40 seconds.
Callers who receive
information and music
on hold will wait
up to 3 minutes longer.
However if you use
a radio as a sound
source, your callers
may be annoyed by
irrelevant programs
and commercials -
and even commercials
for your or their
KanHan realizes importance
of music-on-hold and
has invested in acquiring
inhouse expertise
to compose and select
the type of music
that suits your corporation's
image needs.